Upcoming event – WEBINAR – Albury Wodonga Nature Map, Thursday 30th July (7-8pm)
Do you live in Albury or Wodonga council areas? YES!
Do you love observing nature and recording what you see? YES!
Then Albury Wodonga Nature Map is MADE FOR YOU!
JOIN US for this on-line WEBINAR to learn more about Albury Wodonga Nature Map.
DATE/TIME: THURSDAY 30th JULY 2020 (7 – 8 PM) (Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney)
- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88662697334?pwd=WE5JeXFJVU5yYW8vTHRRVGtMaFhsdz09
- Meeting ID: 886 6269 7334
- Password: 571927
PLEASE RSVP by email [email protected]
PRESENTER: Dr Michael Mulvaney will present this webinar and give you an overview of the site and its amazing capabilities. (Find out more about Michael below)
Albury Wodonga Nature Map is part of the NatureMapr citizen science platform that has so far added 1.9 million wildlife records to the public record, mainly in Canberra where it first started over 5 years ago, and in SE NSW.
Albury Wodonga Nature Map is a:
- Photographic guide to the natural environment of Albury Wodonga.
- Platform to share wildlife sightings.
- Place to learn more about the natural environment of Albury and Wodonga, and to engage with ‘like-minded’ neighbours.
WAYS TO GET INVOLVED in Albury Wodonga Nature Map:
1. USER – if you want to contribute wildlife records and using the platform to learn more about Albury Wodonga’s natural environment.
2. MODERATOR – if you have expertise to be able to help identify sightings as they are being added by users.
3. ADMINISTRATOR – if you are a Council or other land manager that requires direct access to wildlife data to help inform management activities.
This workshop will mainly focus on the User functions, but will also discuss the Moderator and Administrator capabilities.
Click here for more background information to Albury Wodonga Nature Map.
About Michael Mulvaney: Michael is a Senior Environmental Planner with the ACT Government, and one of the co-founders of NatureMapr. He is also a Board Director of Albury Conservation Company, the organisation who has brought Nature Mapr to Albury Wodonga via funding secured from the Ross Trust and the Australian Government.

Dr Michael Mulvaney identifying a rare native orchid in the ACT.