Taking nestbox orders now! Thurgoona Mens Shed
Thurgoona Mens Shed are taking orders now for nestboxes for wildlife affected by the recent devestating bushfires.
Direct all enquiries via [email protected] (attention Rodger Matheson, President)

Nestbox constructed by Thurgoona Mens Shed for Squirrel Gliders in Thurgoona, NSW
Thurgoona Mens Shed have been building HIGH QUALITY NESTBOXES for native wildlife SINCE 2014.
Their nest box program was kick started by Albury Conservation Company with a $1,000 cheque and a template for a Squirrel Glider nest box, a local arboreal mammal under threat from the rapid urban expansion of Albury, NSW.
Since these humble beginnings, Thurgoona Mens Shed have constructed and supplied OVER 600 NESTBOXES. Most of these have been specifically built for SQUIRREL GLIDERS and installed in Thurgoona, Albury and Burrumbuttock, but also for POSSUMS, BATS, PARROTS and other birds for clients in southern NSW and northern Victoria. The nestboxes are made using well researched and tested design and high quality materials to MAXIMISE DURABILITY and VALUE TO THE SPECIES BEING TARGETED.
THURGOONA MENS SHED ARE TAKING ORDERS NOW! They can help supply nest boxes for fire affected areas, as well as bolstering habitat values for hollow dependent wildlife in non-fire affected areas. They particularly want to assist with targeted recovery programs for endangered and threatened hollow-dependent wildlife.
Not just nestbox builders, Thurgoona Mens Shed can offer advice based on their 5 years worth of experience in nestbox design and construction. This might be invaluable for other Mens Sheds, Womens Shed and other groups jumping on board to assist in a national response to the bushfires.
Because Thurgoona Mens Shed are a not-for-profit community organisation they keep their costs as low as possible, meaning you get a HIGH QUALITYproduct at a GREAT PRICE.
Rodger Matheson (President), email [email protected]