Albury Conservation Company has partnered with NatureMapr to bring to you Albury Wodonga Nature Map.
This has been made possible with financial support from the Ross Trust, the Australian Government’s Communities Environment Program, and the Folk Rhythm and Life music festival. Albury City Council and Wodonga Council are also supporting this exciting initiative.
What is NatureMapr?
- NatureMapr is a leading tool for citizen scientists to gather, share and display local wildlife information using an innovative cloud-based software platform.
- Sightings can be added via the web or by downloading the free NatureMapr smartphone app.
- NatureMapr has been developed by Canberra-based IT company at3am IT Pty Ltd.
- Nature Mapr has been a recognised with a 2018 Banksia Sustainability Award – Community winner.
What are the aims of Albury Wodonga Nature Map?
- To add 10,000 wildlife records from Albury Wodonga, contributed by 200 local residents.
- The records will help to build a comprehensive photographic guide and library of the thousands of different plant, animal and fungi species found in Albury Wodonga.
- To provide a forum for the sharing of wildlife information, and a community tool for learning about the local environment. Field Guides will be produced for local public reserves and private properties (upon landholder request).
How do I get involved in Abury Wodonga Nature Map?
- We invite you to become a USER, it’s free!
- Users add to the communal knowledge by loading a photograph or sound recording (mpg) of a wildlife species to the site and suggesting an identification (e.g. Tawny Frogmouth).
- The task of confirming the identity of a new record is undertaken by a team of volunteer moderators. If you a subject expert (e.g. birds), would you be interested in becoming a MODERATOR? If so, please sign up!
- NaturMapr is intuitive, caters for all user capabilities from expert to novice, and seeks to engage and educate users with information about the natural world around them.
- To visit the Albury Wodonga NatureMapr CLICK HERE.
What has Naturemapr achieve in the Albury/ Wodonga area?
As of May 2023 the Albury/Wodonga Naturemapr has recorded:
71,117 sightings of 2,749 species in 357 locations from 339 members
What has NatureMapr achieved at other locations?
- Over 1.8 million records of more than 25,000 wildlife species have been captured via NatureMapr by citizen scientists, community groups and land managers in five years. These records have been placed onto the Atlas of Living Australia.
- NatureMapr is the authority on wildlife distribution and abundance for the SE NSW- ACT region.
- 60% of all rare plant records in the ACT over the last 110 years have come via NatureMapr.
- For a third of ACT’s threatened species, NatureMapr has either doubled their known population size or number of known occurrences.
- NatureMapr has revealed new species and species previously thought to be regionally extinct.
- On over 250 occasions, NatureMapr has had the first record of a high risk weed on a private property, in a reserve, the region or Australia, allowing quick control and eradication.
- Its new information has resulted in creation of a new reserve, changed infrastructure routes, altered prescribed burn programs and re-prioritised the regional weed control program.
- NatureMapr has raised the knowledge and profile of invertebrate and fungi conservation, to the extent of some species now having legal protection.
- It has facilitated and enthused a large network of citizen scientists to engage in conservation survey, research, monitoring and management.
CLICK HERE to visit the Albury Wodonga Nature Map.